Warranty Policy
Papion extends the warranty received from the film manufacturer to its customers. In this way, it guarantees the specified characteristics of the film before it is industrialized and as long as it is properly stored and handled in order to guarantee its complete integrity.
quality deviations
Deviations found in the virgin film upon receipt and during its process, only the non-industrialized portion, still virgin, is covered by the Papion guarantee. After formally communicated to the commercial area, the complaint will be subject to analysis, provided that the coils are properly stored, handled and identified.
The original material identifications are found on the labels of the coils or their cores (at least the code of the coils: COD.). This information must be accompanied by the corresponding invoice numbers.
Complaints resolution
Claimed and segregated materials can only be returned to Papion after formal acceptance by its technical area. Papion reserves the right not to accept returns and corresponding encumbrances without your explicit and prior authorization.
Papion is not responsible for the inappropriate application or use of the materials it has provided, in disregard of the indications or recommendations found in the corresponding specifications.
Breadth of responsibilities
Papion will not reimburse or replace equipment or accessories that are damaged or worn out in the processing of the films it has supplied. Your liability in any event of claim or use of the supplied films, losses or damages will be limited at most to the purchase price of the films involved.
Warranty extension
Papion limits the service and analysis of complaints only to those who purchased the film from it, provided that the aforementioned measures are met, on the virgin portion of the lot.
The guarantee will apply to films whose formal claim does not exceed 180 days from the date of issue of the corresponding invoices. Except for metallic films whose term is 90 days.
Papion has as a procedure the approval of each commercialized film. The first purchase to serve an application will have to be reduced in volume due to the possibility that the film's behavior will not meet the user's needs. A new purchase of the same type of film, even with a different format, implies tacit approval of the purchased film. The reduced batch for approval is guaranteed within the aforementioned limits.
film suitability
The specification of the film suitable for the use for which it will be intended for the end user is the sole responsibility of our customer. Papion will be able to assist in the choice and suggest the film to customers, but disclaims responsibility for the application and performance in the process and destination.
The films shipped and transported by Papion only include the transfer of the material – transport, to the address where the customer requested delivery. Papion does not provide the service of unloading or storing the transported material. We do not have equipment or qualified staff for unloading. This service can be hired from Papion upon prior consultation and charged separately.